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UNA-USA (News): Kathy Calvin wrote Amb. Dr. Bou-Said 

Editing office - Geneva

The Office of the Amb. Dr. Haissam Bou-Said (ME Commissioner and Advisor to the UNOG Affairs in Geneva) released a press on a formal letter received by his office from the President/CEO of the United Nations Foundation Mrs. Kathy Calvin mentioning  her believe that real change happens when she work together, along with Dr. Bou-Said`s care about climate change, poverty, inequality, and a host of other issues humanity faces. 

Mrs Calvin added that she couldn’t let you miss out on this essential moment, happening in the coming days, to solve the world’s greatest problems.

Mrs. Calvin informed the office to check out Amb. Bou-Said guide to the UN General Assembly today, and should check it again in the coming next week, It’s where she’ll update him on some of the most influential discussions and how he can add his voice to those conversations. The actions and decisions global leaders make at the UN will shape the world we live in. 

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