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European Department (DESI): Syria may be equipped with S-400 missiles; Washington meeting on the region is dangerous ... 

The Office of the Commissioner of the Middle East of the International Human Rights Committee, through sources close to the Russian decision, that the refusal of Russian officials to meet with the Israeli military delegation high-level after the crash of the Russian plane and load the Israeli air force responsible for the fall of the Russian plane after a telephone conversation with Netanyahu, The Russian president is a strong paper to supply the Syrian army with S400 missiles. 

According to the information received by the office of Ambassador Haitham Abu Said, who is also the secretary general of the European Department of Security and Information, a recent meeting in Washington included foreign ministers of some Arab countries and Arab ambassadors in the presence of the US Secretary of State and Yossi Cohen, head of the Mossad. There was also a debate about a military strike against Hezbollah in Lebanon and the resistance factions in Iraq. The meeting also discussed the Special Criminal Court for the crimes of Saudi Arabia and the UAE in Yemen.Media Office / Gino Boloni 

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