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Ambassador Abu Said participated in the discussion session on non-use of rights.

Editing Office - Geneva   

Ambassador Abu Said participated in the discussion session on non-use of rights.Ambassador Dr. Haitham Abu Said (Permanent Special Representative of the International Commission on Human Rights and the International Council to the United Nations) participated in the online discussion on “non-use of rights”, a phenomenon that prevents millions of people around the world from benefiting from aid aimed at their protection. 

This is the subject of the new report that the Special Rapporteur is currently presenting to the Human Rights Council, Professor Olivier de Chatter, in the presence of the ambassadors of France (Delphine Burrion) and Senegal (Colli Sack).The research dealt with various issues, decisions and follow-ups of the Special Rapporteur “De Chatter”, who was also in Lebanon in November 2021 and submitted a detailed report on all the conditions in Lebanon to the Human Rights Council.

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