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Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 

Editing office - Geneva


“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” So says Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Or, to put it another way; we all have the same inalienable human rights. You, me, everyone – no exceptions. Despite the beautiful promise of the Universal Declaration, the reality of daily life for many of us falls short. Around the world, people face violence, stigma and discrimination – based on the colour of their skin, because they live with a disability, because of their age, because of their gender, because of what they believe, or because they are gay, lesbian, bi, trans or intersex. Enshrined in the Universal Declaration is a deeply held belief that a different world is possible. But it’s only possible if we all stand together. If each and every one of us insists that our freedom is bound together – that no one is free until we’re all free. A free and equal world is possible. Help us spread the word!

Адвокат, оказываю высококвалифицированную юридическую помощь в соответствии с законами. За многолетний опыт работы выработал свой, уникальный подход к работе с клиентами.


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