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Editing Office - Geneva

The United Nations Human Rights Office represents the world’s commitment to the promotion, protection and realization of the full range of human rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Through the voice and the work of the High Commissioner and a staff of 1,200 in 60 countries, the Office aims to make human rights a reality in the lives of people everywhere. #standup4humanrights

There are 1.6K people reportedly still missing since the Kosovo conflict in the late ‘90s. Discover how @UNHumanRights helps families whose loved ones are still missing: #StandUp4HumanRights

Адвокат, оказываю высококвалифицированную юридическую помощь в соответствии с законами. За многолетний опыт работы выработал свой, уникальный подход к работе с клиентами.


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