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IPSP News: They presented the Chair for Solidarity and Peace 

Editing Office - GENEVA 

Intl. News / May 11, 2019

The Ministry of Security organized in the White Hall of Government House, an act of presentation of the Chair for Solidarity and Peace, which seeks to promote human rights and generate behavior based on inclusion, solidarity, love of neighbor, respect for differences, gender equality, socioeconomic equity and justice in all educational settings in the different socio-political and socio-cultural spaces.

The Diplomatic Adviser of the International Parliament for Security and Peace, Mariela Domenichelli,explained how the work methodology will be applied to achieve the objectives of the Chair: "It is an agreement with the Ministry of Security of the province to work in these areas that are needed for peaceful resolution of conflicts especially in what is society and the policeman. The idea is to reconstitute that social fabric that is practically broken with the community, for which training was carried out with police mediators, but now what we want is to lower that to the territory, "adding that in this way the level of violence that exists today, "the only way is the contact with society, with the neighbor, that link that needs to be strengthened, is what will allow the success of this project that already exists in other countries with positive results and the idea is to replicate it in Tucumán. "

In this sense the professor, said that the police will be introduced into the territorial environment where they can interact with neighborhood leaders, chaps, church, among others, to build the divided core. 

 For his part, the president of the Argentine Association of Constitutional Justice and Federal Judge of the province of Buenos Aires, Patricio Maraniello, briefly explained the activities that includes the Chair: "We travel the country looking for professors and places to spread peace as a development tool social, we establish social ties between government communities, NGOs and educational entities. The element of peace encompasses everything, the goal is to generate freedoms and greater rights. We are building a path for the teaching of peace, not wars. "

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