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International Human Rights Commission: disappointment in the Emirati-Israeli agreement

Geneva Office 

The International Human Rights Commission considered that the announcement of the Emirati and Israeli agreement, despite the alleged clauses in it, which ostensibly give a kind of temporary armistice, but this agreement is marred by multiple defects, according to what was confirmed by the Middle East Ambassador and Special Envoy of the Commission and the International Council of the United Nations in Geneva, Dr. Haitham Abu Said, That is, the agreement is with a party that is angry with the rights of the Palestinians, and the case is filed with the International Criminal Court, and this is an attempt to circumvent the laws by the Israeli entity, as the UAE is an Arab and Islamic state, which gives the entity the right to claim false allegations of the approach taken by the International Criminal Court.

Also, this entity is known to be defrauding through the agreements it concludes and lacks in it after the availability of data in its favor in order to continue its repressive policy against the Arab and Islamic world. Ambassador Abu Said concluded that communication is open with the staff of the Commission and the International Council in order to establish a working paper for the next session in the forty-fifth session, where the approach to criminal cases against Israel is clear and its twisting policy in human rights issues.

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